Cookie Management Policy
To make its website working well, Coppernic uses cookies to measure and analyze the audience of its platform. You can still manage these cookies and choose which ones you want to accept.
How to make your choices?
To manage your data on X : How cookies are used on X
To manage your data on Instagram : What is the Privacy Policy and what does it cover?
To manage your data on Linkedin : Cookie Policy
Disable these cookies prevents any interaction with social networks.
On your Browser
Depending on the Internet browser you use, you can set beforehand the acceptance or refusal of cookies that are proposed to you during your navigation. Even before they are registered, cookies can be refused systematically. The setting of the systematic refusal of technical cookies and functionalities is nevertheless likely to harm your browsing comfort, even to prevent the use of some of our services requiring the use of these same cookies. Where appropriate, we are not liable for the consequences of the poor functioning of our websites and services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies necessary for their operation and that you have refused or deleted. For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to change your wishes for cookies.- Microsoft Internet Explorer : http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies
- Microsoft Edge : https://privacy.microsoft.com/fr-fr/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy
- Apple Safari : https://support.apple.com/fr-fr/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac
- Google Chrome : http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647
- Mozilla Firefox : http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies
- Opera : http://help.opera.com/Windows/12.10/fr/notrack.html
"Do not track"
You can also set your browser to send a code indicating which websites you do not want to be followed ("Do not track" option).- Microsoft Internet Explorer : http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-fr/internet-explorer/use-tracking-protection#ie=ie-11
- Microsoft Edge : https://privacy.microsoft.com/fr-fr/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy
- Google Chrome : https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/114836
- Mozilla Firefox : https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/comment-activer-option-ne-pas-pister
- Opera : http://help.opera.com/Windows/12.10/fr/notrack.html
For audience measurement cookies and analytics cookies
For audience measurement cookies and analytics cookies Analytical cookies allow us to obtain anonymous statistics of visits to our site in order to optimize it and detect any malfunctions. They are deposited on our site by Google Analytics. If you do not want our sites and services to store cookies in your browser for audience measurement purposes, you can click on the following links where you will find additional information : Cookies Google Analytics : https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptoutFor « Social Networks » cookies
We use Social Network Action button of Instagram, X and Linkedin.To manage your data on X : How cookies are used on X
To manage your data on Instagram : What is the Privacy Policy and what does it cover?
To manage your data on Linkedin : Cookie Policy
Disable these cookies prevents any interaction with social networks.